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“Roasted wild boar? That’s really good. I haven’t eaten this before. Thank you for the invitation.” Grover said with an exaggerated expression.

“Roasted wild boar? That’s really good. I haven’t eaten this before. Thank you for the invitation.” Grover said with an exaggerated expression. Young Detective Charles also said, “Then I won’t bother you.” Veterinarian Fanny had no objection and nodded with a smile, “My husband is taking care of the children at home. Please lend me […]


ransformed into a dazzling ball. Sergeant Si was suspended in the air, looking at the ‘formation’ standing in the air that was shrouded by the billowing black mist, and ordered loudly.

ransformed into a dazzling ball. Sergeant Si was suspended in the air, looking at the ‘formation’ standing in the air that was shrouded by the billowing black mist, and ordered loudly. Suddenly, the hundreds of Atlantis warriors surrounding the building stopped attacking at the same time. Their horizontally stretched hands slowly closed together, and the […]


wice, and I must pass it. Is this okay?”

wice, and I must pass it. Is this okay?” Aggressive! These four words flashed in everyone’s mind. This is not taking a step back, this is taking a step forward before gaining an inch! Yin Kuang smiled and said: “Classmate Zhu, don’t make it sound as if you were the only one who was wronged, […]


With it, I believe your majesty will pardon and reuse it.” Yours.” Yin Kuang said this for a reason. It can be said that Wang Yue’s use value is gone now. On the contrary, he is very likely to become a huge threat. If he wants to use Yin Kuang’s life as a threat to make Yin Kuang hand over Emperor Xian of Han to him, what can Yin Kuang do? So now we must stabilize Wang Yue.

With it, I believe your majesty will pardon and reuse it.” Yours.” Yin Kuang said this for a reason. It can be said that Wang Yue’s use value is gone now. On the contrary, he is very likely to become a huge threat. If he wants to use Yin Kuang’s life as a threat to […]



值了! 二代樱女王深吸一口气,缓缓将宝刃樱丸纳入刀鞘,一双精光四溢的双目盯着不远处。那里应该有一个斜坡,而吕布就真驾着赤兔马缓缓的爬着斜坡,一点一点的靠近。 终于,一颗如同被火焰裹着的马头露了出来。那一双瞪圆的马眼直视二代樱女王。这一眼,就让二代樱女王有种被噬人野兽盯上的感觉,毛孔紧缩,鸡皮疙瘩窜起。 难道我还不如一匹马!? 就在二代樱女王愣神的时候,一马驮着一人已经爬上了斜坡,静静的存在于那里。 吕布,吕奉先! 赤兔,嘶风兽! 只见那人方脸阔口,大耳挺鼻,身长九尺开外,膀子粗大,熊腰如柱,肌肉似铁块块浇筑,青筋如蛇条条交错,一双虎目灼灼闪耀,一对剑眉斜斜插天,蒲扇大的手倒持一杆红色的方天画戟,红艳艳仿佛裹着火焰。 而那马亦是了不得!体态雄健,发如火烧,目似破晓明星,足如擎天巨柱。那个头足足比一般骏马要高近一半,身上一块块一条条的筋肉如铁似钢。这哪里是一匹马?分明就是一头来自远古的凶恶蛮兽! 此时,吕布并未穿披挂,赤裸上身,下身穿一条宽松的裤子。显然为了追击犯人他尽可能的减轻的重量,足见对汉献帝的重视这是自然了,他怎么会放过如此绝佳的接近汉献帝的机会?! “吭哧!” 赤兔马打了一个响鼻,晃了晃硕大的脑袋。 吕布点点头,道:“嗯。继续追吧!” 至于二代樱女王,似乎如空气一般,根本未入他的眼睛。 “站住!”二代樱女王拦住赤兔马去路。 “闪开,某不杀女流。” 吕布轻飘飘懒洋洋说到,依旧没正眼看二代樱女王。 二代樱女王冷笑一声,道:“我却想试一试人中吕布,马中赤兔的厉害。”说完,她一跃而起,踏在一颗大树上借力,身子一扭,腰间的长刀就待拔出,直劈吕布。 拔刀术之拔刀速度何其之快? 然而,就在她施展拔刀术,将宝刃樱丸拔出一般的瞬间,她就感觉眼前虹影一闪,接着她就感觉自己的身子飘了起来 这是这个二代樱女王之真分身最后一个念头。 吕布依旧没正眼看二代樱女王,将方天画戟一甩甩飞她的尸体,嘀咕一声“莫名其妙”,便一拉缰绳,喝道:“赤兔,助我迎回汉帝,建功立业!” 赤兔马嘶吼一声,人立而起,前蹄踏天,然后如箭射出。纵然是山地野林之中,依旧如履平地,瞬间就没了身影。 且说泰戈瑞等人飞速撤离之后,又很快的在丛林外合于一处。不久之后,亨利,布朗及蕾蒂等人也各自带着大部队赶来。 “大人,由于遇到了吕布,未能及时赶过来,非常的抱歉!”盗贼首领亨利说道。 正如之前泰戈瑞想的那样。他们接到盗贼传信,就立即朝着这边赶过来驰援泰戈瑞。却不想半路突然被一阵龙鸣马嘶及“咚咚”的马蹄声惊扰,回头乍见是吕布,一群人当即做鸟兽散开,根本不敢与其照面。而吕布完全不将他们放在眼里,驾着赤兔马,一晃眼就消失了在远处,而其前往的方向也正好是泰戈瑞及其汉献帝所在的方向。亨利等人惧怕吕布,不敢冒进,便在路上逗留了一会儿才继续赶过来。虽然忧心泰戈瑞等人,但是他们也知道,就算真的有事,他们赶过去也无济于事,还徒增伤亡,失了积分。 了解了大概的情况后,泰戈瑞道:“你们做的很好。没有冒进,没有乱来,没有造成不必要的损失。这一次是我失误了。只想着对付尹旷,却忽略了汉献帝,更漏算了吕布。可恨!经过尹旷这一捣乱,我们想要在洛阳城中有所作为是不太可能了” “大人,我何不向董卓告发尹旷他们?”蕾蒂说道。 泰戈瑞摇摇头,道:“没用的。这样只会给尹旷扬名,而我们却会被爆怒的董卓牵连。”布朗问道:“大人,我们现在怎么办?还有三分之一的同学困在洛阳城中。现在洛阳城已经彻底戒严了。”泰戈瑞道:“东胜那边不是挖了个地道吗?赶紧通过那地道将他们转移出来。这洛阳是不能久待了。另外,蕾蒂,你去劝降那二十几个东胜的人。竟然被自己的老大出卖,我想他们应该很乐意靠向我们。” 蕾蒂道:“是,大人。” 泰戈瑞又道


of crisis, Yin Kuang suddenly swung up his dragon’s tail and used a genuine “dragon tail swing” to abstract Long Ming’s head. So, Long Ming bit Yin Kuang’s dragon tail with a bite full of endless despair and madness, almost biting off Yin Kuang’s dragon tail!

of crisis, Yin Kuang suddenly swung up his dragon’s tail and used a genuine “dragon tail swing” to abstract Long Ming’s head. So, Long Ming bit Yin Kuang’s dragon tail with a bite full of endless despair and madness, almost biting off Yin Kuang’s dragon tail! This burst of impact caused the two dragons to […]



“Chase! Don’t let them escape,” a low-level general who rushed over shouted angrily, “Otherwise, I’ll just wait and see!” Someone organized, and the onlookers who were originally in chaos took action, and those who had swords drew their swords. There is an arrow on the bow. Yelling and shouting, they chased Yin Kuang and Wang […]

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